Reaction Details

 Reaction ID 15823
 Stochiometric Equation 5 Isopentenyl diphosphate + trans,trans-Farnesyl diphosphate <-> 5 Diphosphate + all-trans-Octaprenyl diphosphate
Isopentenyl diphosphate
trans,trans-Farnesyl diphosphate
all-trans-Octaprenyl diphosphate
 Enzymes known to
 catalyse this reaction
 (curated information)
EC Number in Organism UniProtKB Link PubMedID Escherichia coli UniProtKB 22471615
 Pathways Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites
Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis
 External Links
 KEGG-Pathway-ID map01110
 KEGG-Reaction-ID R09248

View all entries for reaction 5 Isopentenyl diphosphate + trans,trans-Farnesyl diphosphate <-> 5 Diphosphate + all-trans-Octaprenyl diphosphate

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